Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Rock Harbor is committed to giving and serving in missions all throughout the globe.
Please join us as we pray for the following mission organizations in which we support.
Please join us as we pray for the following mission organizations in which we support.

Active Missionaries
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)
Carlos & Katie Palma
Located in the Middle East
Located in the Middle East
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)
Jamey & Gretchen Pappas
Located at Cal Poly, Cuesta, & Hancock Colleges
Located at Cal Poly, Cuesta, & Hancock Colleges
Empowering Lives International
Don and Amy Rogers
Harmony Outreach
Mission Endeavors
Rosmarino Family
Calvary Chapel Bacolod, Philippines
Calvary Chapel Bacolod, Philippines
Servant Senders
Nolan & Marie Schockey
Juarez, Mexico
Juarez, Mexico
Village to Village
Kathleen Brown & RHCF
Ngorngoroi, Kenya
Ngorngoroi, Kenya
Youth with a Mission
James and Family
South East Asia
South East Asia
Youth with a Mission
Lexi Brogan
Tijuana, Mexico
Tijuana, Mexico
Child Evangelism Fellowship/Good News Club
Darren Johnson
SLO Country
SLO Country
Commission to Every Nation
Randy & Sandy Huebert
Ensenada, Mexico
Ensenada, Mexico
Evangelical Free Church of America
Mark & Jennifer West
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Brad and Samantha Zimmer
SLO County
SLO County
Frontiers USA
Janet Norem
Tree of Life Pregnancy Support Center
Pam Johnson
Central Coast
Central Coast
Aspire Network
Kirk Mackie
Grant Sahl
Updates and Prayer Requests from The Mission Field
Here's where we feature prayer items and video updates from the missionaries we support, to help you better understand their needs, challenges and victories.
June, 2023: Huebert Family,
El Refugio
Hear an update from Randy and Sandy Huebert from El Refugio in Ensenada, Mexico.
February , 2023: Dave Johnson, FCA
Hear an update from Dave Johnson from Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
May, 2023: Shockey Family, Servant Senders
Hear from Nolan and Marie Shockey from Servant Senders in Juarez, Mexico.
January , 2023: Pappas Family, CRU
Hear from Jamey and Gretchen Pappas from CRU in San Luis Obispo.
March, 2023: West Family, EV Free Church of America
Hear from Mark and Jennifer West from Evangelical Free Church of America in France.
January , 2023: Village to Village
Hear from our missionary partners in Ngorngoroi, Kenya.
Here all about our recent mission trip to Kenya Africa from the Fall of 2022.